The original heroes...

... and 1 year later.
But first things first. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to George who recently turned 6. We invited his class to attend a party on Saturday for him, and from the way they ran riot I guess they enjoyed themselves, and things went remarkably well. For his birthday we went for a picnic at a local lake (Minnedosa), which is a 1 hour drive north from here.

A rare family snap. Taken at the lake, on George's birthday.
We have also adopted an 'old boy', who was facing an unthinkable ending 3 weeks ago.

The boys adore him, and he equally loves them back.
The boys had their hair cut on Monday. It was Daniel's first time, and how different he looks. He is now truly a toddler, and almost all of his 'baby traits' have gone. He loves to 'rough n tumble' with everyone, and is not too shy at instigating a scrap or two. Oliver is toilet training at a fantastic rate (although we still have an accident or two, now and then), and his views on life (and some of his opinions) are pushing him into the little boy bracket. He has loved having George at home for the summer holidays, but I think he will come into his own now George has returned to school. George has declared that it is 'awesome' to be back at school, and is looking forward to this school year. He is now settled, and it seems that a weight has been lifted after all of the moving, and relocating in the previous 12 months.
Taking advantage of the recent fine weather, I replaced the north-side roof shingles and roof boards, on the house and the garage.

These stills were taken from a video of a recent thunderstorm, and are no more than half a second apart. The storms can arrive within minutes, giving no warning. It's not unusual to have 30, or 40 minutes of thunder and lightning, before the wind and rain hit. This particular storm hit at about 3am one morning, and it was so severe that both me and CJ stayed up and 'watched' it for about 45 minutes. The first still shows lightning grounding not too far from the boys' swing set, with the second one seemingly hitting the tower on the other side of the highway. As you can see, the whole area was lit brighter than a clear, sunny day, with brilliant white lightning streaming across the sky. The claps of thunder are so loud and powerful, that the house rattles, and the air feels so heavy... yet the boys seem to sleep undisturbed, through it all!
CONGRATULATIONS to Paul n Becky on their forthcoming marriage. After all the 'smelly stuff' that Aves has been through, it was great to hear that he and Becky will tie the knot next summer. I also have knowledge that they wish everyone, and anyone to attend. Watch this space for details.
Whilst I'm speaking of weddings, tomorrow (Saturday) is the marriage of Robbie Skett and Joanna. Robbie is CJ's brother, and the wedding is to take place in Poland, Joanna's homeland. From all of us on the right side of the Atlantic, we wish them both a happy, and long life together, and sincerely hope that someday they may come and visit.
A personal note.
Sad news was despatched during the summer, that one of 'boys' had passed away. Nock was not one of my best mates, and neither was he a confidante. He was introduced to me by my cousin many years ago. Our paths seemed to cross quite frequently whenever I went drinking around Blackheath and Dudley, and ever since we made time for a pint together.
The summer 0f 2001, we got to know each other quite well, as we were always within the same social group, whether it was a jolly boys outing to Minehead, or a 'spur-of-the-moment' jaunt to Worcester. Strangely, he was always the voice of reason whenever trouble seemed to be on the horizon (violence is never the answer, if you're not sure have another drink before you are), and was seldom wrong.
After meeting CJ, and starting a new job, I lost touch with him, as did many of his close friends, and became saddened to hear of what may only be described as a slow demise into oblivion. Those of you that knew him better than me, knew of his demons.
I don't wish to speak any more of that.
Last time I saw Nock, Oliver was just a few weeks old. I gave him my number, and we said we'd have a pint together.
We never did.
Nock you became a good mate.
You should've phoned.

God Save The Queen
God Bless Canada