My niece turned 13 yesterday, and now I'm beginning to feel old. Seemed only yesterday that I was taking her out to Merry Hill, or to Villa Park, to spoil her, and now she's a teenager, and won't want to spend time with old people...
For the older, more mature Villa boys out there (no names), can anyone identify these young ladies, or the gentleman in the rather fetching sports jacket? The pictures were taken at Wembley during our Charity Shield game with Spurs, in 1981 (after we won the League, but before we were European Champions!)

They have been sent to me, as the guy who originally took them, has since moved to Australia, and would like to track down this family. Any ideas, names, addresses, emails etc., please send them to me, and I'll forward them on.
A lot has been happening since we last spoke. The snow has gone, and so has Ecco. (Un)fortunately, CJ caught her biting Daniel (he's ok, had a few 'welts' n scratches, but is fine) and instantly decided that she had to go back to the humane society. Now, the dog was never left alone with the boys, and this incident happened in the kitchen entrance, whilst Carla was preparing our evening meal. I took her back the following day. Dirty job no.1 done. (I still resent the fact that the woman who runs the society, implied it was our fault for leaving the kids n dog alone together, that this happened because Daniel was tormenting the hound in some way, that it was ANYONES fault but the dogs!! She needs to get out more...)
Mowing the lawn on a ride-on mower is quite good fun, takes some time, but fun nevertheless. Ovie loves riding on the machine, as he is able to drive it (steer it around the lawn), and it goes some way to placating him, as he sees George driving the quad... (I hasten to add that I'm always on the machines with them, and control the braking and power systems.)
A week ago today, I completed the fencing around the alpaca's area, two home built gates (from recycled timber) were installed at either end on Monday, and a used bathtub from our local garbage dump for a drinking trough, was delivered yesterday. Their paddock is coming together quite nicely. Just need to repair the electrical line into the shed (damaged by storms), and section an area inside with bedding etc., and we're ready to take delivery of the beasts. The Owens' are shearing them this year for us, so hopefully they will be here within the next week or two!!
George can now ride his bike WITHOUT training wheels!
He pestered Carla last Sunday, to remove them, and after a few tumbles n falls, he came zooming out of the garages, and straight up the driveway. He fell off, grazed his knee and head, but got right back on, and there's no stopping him now!!
WELL DONE GEORGE! - yet something else he's done way before his Dad did! (he's already asking if he can ride to school!!)
Daniel has been 'furniture walking' for a few weeks, and is able to pull himself up against almost anything. He can walk holding hands with someone, and isn't afraind to go exploring by himself. Sadly, there's no sign of any new teeth, but hopefully we'll have some news one quite soon.
Now that the temperature is rising (a very pleasant 22C yesterday), the boys love going outside. Playing footie, Geoerge on his bike, Ovie riding on his yard toys, and Daniel just making a bee-line for the dirt!!
God Bless Canada
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