Secondly, Happy Birthday to cousin Paul, who is 40 TODAY!!
Not that Paul is delusional, but I'm sure he's convinced himself that he is actually 34, and has been for a few years, and he also believes that oasis (some guitar weilding, knuckle-dragging, neanderthals from a small council tip in the north-west, near Bolton I think!) are the best thing since Abba!

This is the ONLY recent surviving picture of Paul. Taken on his 38th birthday, he wasn't too pleased at the prospect of buying a round!
This time last week, the snow had almost vanished, and we were welcoming the first true signs of Spring... until this last weekend. Saturday we witnessed one of the most horrible storms that we could remember. Driving snow, highway closures, and wind speeds exceeding 90km/h. CJ was working both Saturday and Sunday, and we decided that it would be safer for her to 'lodge' overnight at the hospital, as driving conditions were expected to deteriorate throughout the day. Putting the boys to bed, I was looking forward to an early evening, and some welcome rest.
Being woken at 2:30am by flashing lights, and weird beeps 'n' pings wasn't what I had planned. Stumbling from my bed, I realised that something may not be quite right. So, after checking on the boys, I went and sought out the fuse box. All was well there. Went into the kitchen and unplugged the phone, microwave and bread machine, that should stop the cacophony of weird noises. Must be a power line down, just hope it's not ours!! So donning the now customary 'wintergear', I ventured outside with a couple of torches in one hand, and my unmentionables in the other!! Our lines were still up, and seemed to be quite secure. A call to the power company confirmed that several lines had been brought down by the storm, and there was no guarantee that they would be repaired before Monday!! The snow was falling coninuously, and the wind was relentless, and we were effectively trapped in the house. About 18" of snow had fallen in 24 hours. Our house is totally powered by electric. Not such a good scenario, 3 young boys, 1 dog and no power... Fortunately, we were 'back on' by 6am Sunday morning, and other than missed sleep, are ok, but the garage is still out of bounds due to the snow, and the quad is useless against such a large volume.
A small lesson: we're not quite there yet!, but hopefully by the end of the summer, we shall have several propane bottles, and some form of renewable energy (solar, wind etc.)
God Save The Queen
God Bless Canada
ps did you know Paul's 40 today, probably 40+ 1 day when you read this.....
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