So what has been happening over the last few weeks since we last communicated?
Well, 3 weeks ago, Carla was driving home from work, when she was rear-ended by a truck. In their infinite wisdom, the insurance company decided the pimp-mobile was a 'write off', and have settled our claim in less than 2 weeks of the accident being reported. The driver of the truck had admitted full responsibility, which helped immensely. We're now shopping for another car.
A couple of Tuesdays ago, we went to collect a cute n fluffy puppy. She's not the one we originally went to see, but I think she's far cuter, and if possible, prettier! Her first few nights with us were a little trying, as she did nothing but howl!! Now she is settling down, and is very much an integral part of our family. Not fully house-trained (well who would really want to go outside in these temperatures?), but with time and patience, another few weeks should see her 'broken'. An obedient dog, she is happy to play with the boys, and is quite wary of Dan's over zealous attempts to love her. We believe that she will become a very lovable adult, and is proving to be exceedingly well behaved around the boys. Ecco is a Husky / Alsation cross, and is proving to be quite intelligent...


Ovie introduces himself

Fancy this coming after you?
Funding to keep our school open should be ok for another year. To be honest, I'm not sure if I want to go through this each time Brandon School Division feels the financial pinch!! If they close the school, then we're in a position of trying to accomodate George (and later Ovie) in a school in Brandon. Personally, I would rather take him out of his current school, rather than be forced to choose a less 'desirable' one at a later date.
Bad news. The New England Patriots lost the Super Bowl match. In a game dominated by the defences, the awesome form of the Pats' offense was constantly stifled... Well done to the Giants for doing their homework.
Villa are doing quite well, and after a poor display against Blackburn, 'King Kev' and his toon army were shown that there is no room for sentiment in football. A superb hat trick for John Carew destroyed the magpies, and made up for a lack-lustre first half.

Penalty King.

Enough said.
For a while, the snow began to melt, and it began to feel as if the weather was starting to turn. It did, but not for the better. The melted snow waters have turned to ice, and it is not too nice under foot around the old homestead!! Other than this, there isn't too much to say. Life is 'going-on' very nicely thank you, and I can honestly say that we have settled here very well. Oliver is going skating tonight, for the first time, and is very excited. I think he wants to wear his new helmet more than anything! Next Sunday, we are going to a skating funday at Alexander rink, a good time to get out and back into the community after the winter!!
I found out who ate all the pies...

I like tattoos. Designing them, and having artwork done. When I saw this on the Beeb's site, I thought that it was pretty spectacular!! The size and the amount of work and detail there, is phenomonal!! Pity
about the team though...
God Save The Queen
God Bless Canada
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