The motto of the 615 'Dambusters' squadron. After me, the flood. 65 years ago today specially adapted AVRO Lancaster Bombers, set off for possibly one of the most daring raids in history. Their mission was to destroy heavily guarded dams in northern Germany, therefore ceasing production of 'heavy water', essential for Germany's weapons manufacture. I won't attempt to recount the actions of that night, as there are far better historians than me.

By now, most of you would have seen on the news the RAF Commemorative Flight, fly over Derwent Water (one of the squdron's training 'grounds') in Derbyshire. Let's hope we can live in a world that will never forget the actions of that evening, and the certainty that was felt by the aircrews, that they wouldn't return.

How many of us would be prepared to go to work, never to come home..?
God Save The Queen
God Bless Canada
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