Saturday morning, we set off with an air of excitement, and a temperature hovering around -32C, for the border with the USA. After an hour of driving south, we reached our destination, and entered the American border post. Explaining our planned shopping trip, it was suggested that we finalise our papers with the Canadian border guards before proceeding to the US. There was a slight chance that the Canadians would not allow us to re-enter the country!!
So, after being refused entry to the States, we turned to cross back into Canada. The approaching officer explained that this was a border crossing, and not an immigration post. Therefore, our visas, paperwork etc., could not be processed here, the nearest point of re-entry was Emerson, 95km south of Winnipeg, or about 3 hours drive east across Manitoba...
What is a boy to do?
Deciding that we had come too far, (spent too much time and cash investing in our futures to just go home and write this trip off for another day), we headed east. Route 3 seemed to be the most direct path, and if we could time it right, we might be able to 'hit' one of the only 2 towns (Morden & Winkler) for lunch. Two and a half hours, and a lunch break later, we were queuing at the Pembina Valley, North Dakota, immigration border post.
Now, in my not-so-humble opinion, I feel that there is an air of intimidation, a power-trip-thang happening with the (mostly male) immigration officers. This is not unique to North America!
I digress, after 'rounding the flag' (driving around the US flagpole!), we entered Canada customs. Thirty minutes later, and an official, yet hearty 'welcome to Canada', this faction of the Buttery family is deemed to have a free and rightful passage in the name of sovereign Canada. Paperwork in order, visas cancelled, passports stamped, and travel/i.d. cards ordered... pass the maple syrup please!!
The homeward bound trip was a slightly more light-hearted, if not tiresome affair. I thought that it might be a cool idea to have dinner in Winnipeg (McDonalds, just for the boys to burn off some excess energy in the huge play area they have), and to spoil them (slightly!), in Toys R Us. We got home at 9:35pm, almost 12 hours after our 'adventure' had begun, and hadn't actually left the country!! But we had driven an almost square circuit of approximately 1000km, seen the landscape change, quite dramatically, and met a few more of the 'locals' along the way.
So what does this really mean? Well, we now have the same rights as any Canadian Citizen, except that we may not vote (hooray!!), nor run for public office. I will now get a social security number, and can find gainful employment. Our credit scoring should rise, and we are less likely to be deported (I think we qualify for a higher level of legal aid too??)
As far as I am aware, CJ has never harmed anyone, neither of my boys are terrorists, or pose a threat to the federal USA, but TWICE on Saturday, entry to North Dakota was refused! Needed to be done, but it was rather a strange feeling to have the whole of my family rejected in such a way.
Liverpool were once again lucky to take anything from us on Monday night. But a draw at Anfield is not too shabby! With the lack of movement in the transfer market, surely Mr Lerner should be giving £5million to MO'N instead of the National Portrait Gallery. New England Patriots are going to the Super Bowl, without a single loss, 18 games unbeaten, and a string of records trailing. Should they beat the New York Giants, surely they must go down as the greatest team in NFL history?
DOGS.... CJ finishes work for a 3 day lull in her shift pattern. We shall be taking this time to apply for various bits n pieces since our residency. Somehow I'm sure that a planned trip to the humane society will go ahead, (whether I want it to or not!)

This is Beckham. He is CJ's favourite (at the moment!). A Chocolate Labrador cross, was born on July 10th 2007, and left at the shelter November 5th 2007. Need to see more of his friends? Go to:
(I like Storm and Windigo, I think they're sisters...)
It's midnight here, cold n windy. Speak soon. Be good!!
God Save The Queen
God Bless Canada
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