14 March 2008

Happy Pi-Day

"Sir, I send a rhyme excelling
In sacred truth and rigid spelling
Numerical sprites elucidate
For me the lexicon's full weight"

March 14th is pi day (3.14). Never to be completed, never to be understood. Could this be the true holy grail? Probably not, but someone, somewhere is attempting to tie them together. Oh, it's also Einstein's birthday. Coincidence..?

A week after our little mishap with the Grand Voyager, we were finally able to collect the vehicle from the auto-shop. The snapped left axle was the culprit. The technician suggested that this was more fortunate than transmission failure, as we would not have had our car back for quite a few weeks, due to a heavy number of transmission failures! Thankfully the repair was covered by the warranty, and we only had to pay a small percentage of the total bill. Phew!

Well, the weather here is now turning for the warmer, and Spring is most definetly in the air. Slowly the snow and ice is beginning to thaw, exposing high points in our land, and leaving snowy trails across it. We took a family stroll to the sheds, and made a few amendments to the area reserved for the alpacas. Hopefully, this shall save me a few weeks erecting secure fencing for them, and save a few dollars too.

A little good fortune came our way this week. So we went out and bought a small ride on lawnmower. More a piece of essential equipment than a luxury, as attempting to mow a lawn 30m x 30m (not to mention all the other small areas that shall need to be kept tidy) with a 'conventional' mower would take hours, and CJ would end up with constant back-ache!!

Monday, I went to see George's teacher, and was pleasantly surprised. His report card made for excellent reading, and Mrs Clayton beamed that George has made tremendous progress since moving up to Grade 1 in January. His reading skills are are a full grade and a half above his peers, and are constantly improving, his maths is at Grade 2 level. George has been off Thursday and today, as the school holds it's end of term parent-teacher conferences, so we're just 'gonna chill' and have a little fun. CJ will be finishing her 3rd night this evening, and then looks forward to a hard earned 4 days off.

Speak soon, maybe with a few pictures of the 'dirty' land.

Be Good.

God Save The Queen

God Bless Canada.

(the poem?, if you count the number of letters in each word, it'll give you pi to 20 dp)

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