18 December 2007


We learned today, that George was being 'promoted' to Grade 1. This takes effect from when he returns to school in January.
The school principal, Barbara Miller, hand delivered a letter of confirmation this morning whilst me and George were out shopping, and to say that we are pleased is a slight understatement!!

Hopefully, he can pick up where he left off in the UK, and begin to demonstrate his true level of intelligence. Up 'til now he's been 'coasting', without too much in the way of any mental challenge. That said, his teacher seems to take on board any suggestions we have, and has monitored how any of these changes have affected him.

So, a big thank you to Krista Clayton, George's form tutor for accomodating and mentoring George, and to Barbara Miller for listening.

Again, well done George, we're proud of you. Love Mommy & Daddy.

God Save The Queen

God Bless Canada

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